Many Nauticam housings provide interchangeable ports, enabling the use of various lenses. However, different lenses may demand distinct ports and extension rings to maintain or correct for underwater optics. Certain lenses permit access to zoom and manual focus functions while inside the housing, facilitated by a gear set that interacts with a supported housing or extension ring. Refer to the relevant port chart for your housing system. If a lens isn't listed, it doesn't imply it won't function; it simply means it hasn't been tested. For inquiries about lens compatibility, please reach out to us.
What does N50, N85, N100, N120 and N200 mean?
The designations N50, N85, N100, N120 and N200 indicate the diameter of the port opening in millimeters for the respective underwater housing. So, an "N120" port has a diameter of 120 mm. g
How to select the right port, gear system or extension ring
First check what size port the Nauticam housing has (N50, N85 etc.)? Next, you choose the chart with the brandname of your camera. Sigma and Tokina lenses for your camera can also be found in this port chart. When several options exist for a lens, the optimum solution are marked with an asterisk (*). We are a Nauticam stocking dealer, we have all most popular systems in stock.
Need help?
Do you need help finding the right Nauticam port, extension ring, or gear system for your Nauticam housing? Please contact us. We're happy to assist you